Kenko 77mm RealPro MC ND100 Filter

  • Kenko 77mm RealPro MC ND100 Filter
  • Kenko 77mm RealPro MC ND100 Filter
$144.03 ETA: 01/06/2024

The Kenko 77mm RealPro MC ND100 Filter decreases the amount of light entering the camera lens. This allows to shoot with wide open diaphragm even in shiny day, to add motion blur to subjects and to extend time exposures. The ND100 reduces light entering the camera lens by the equivant of 6 2/3 stops.

Brand: Kenko | Code: 227770
APN: 4961607077702 | Supplier Code: 227770

Brand: Kenko | Code: 227770
APN: 4961607077702 | Supplier Code: 227770